Two experts, two perspectives – but the same goal: to attract the best talents for our economy!
Why is this topic so urgent?
The shortage of skilled workers primarily affects key industries that are crucial to Germany’s future. The need for action is now!
Which sectors are particularly affected?
Healthcare & Nursing: Germany already has a shortage of more than 100,000 nursing staff – a gap that will continuously increase in the next few years. (source: Bundesagentur für Arbeit, 2023)
IT & technology: In Germany, there is a shortage of approximately 137,000 skilled workers in the IT sector. Global competition for talent will further exacerbate the situation. (source: Bitkom, 2024)
Construction and engineering:
Almost 50,000 engineers are needed every year. Demand is growing as digitalization and infrastructure projects progress. (source: VDI, 2023)
Innovation & future technology: to stay competitive in future-oriented fields such as
Automotive, AI and Robotics, we need international talents from global innovation centers. Solely in the field of renewable energies, 300,000 additional skilled workers are expected to be needed by 2030. (source: DIHK, 2024)
A global view is essential because the shortage of skilled workers in specialized areas cannot be solved by national efforts alone.
What do you think? Which solutions are particularly important for these sectors?
And how can companies recruit skilled workers in a targeted manner?
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